charindex vs patindex

This post explains and demonstrates the main different between CHARINDEX() and PATINDEX(). Keep in mind that CHARINDEX() function allows you to search for a substring in a string whereas PATINDEX() allows you to search for a substring and a pattern in a string. Both return 1 if found and 0 if not found. CHARINDEX() ThisContinue reading “charindex vs patindex”

import ssis packages

In this post, I will explain how to develop a PowerShell script to import multiple SSIS packages. You can use the script straight away to deploy the SSIS packages in any environment. I recommend that you to read all the steps in the script before you start using. This set of scripts were developed andContinue reading “import ssis packages”

sql server backups in parallel and zip the files

In this post, I will explain and provide a script that allow you to backup SQL Server databases in parallel. SQL Server backups are a key part of any database administrator’s job and one of the first items that will get automated in an environment. In my career, I have seen a number of differentContinue reading “sql server backups in parallel and zip the files”

Build SQL Server Container Using Docker Compose file

As DBA, DevOps, and Data Engineer we should look for the most optimal way to maintain our environments however Docker Compose would be our best answer In a SQL Server Container world. What is Docker Compose?Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker application and/or database services using a single YAML/YML file.Continue reading “Build SQL Server Container Using Docker Compose file”

Persist SQL Server Container Data-Part2

In Part1, I demonstrated the most basic way to persist data in SQL Server container however in this post which is part2, I will introduce kind of advance ways to persist data when using SQL Server container. Please click here if you have not setup docker yet within your environment or new to docker containerContinue reading “Persist SQL Server Container Data-Part2”

Persist SQL Server Container Data-Part1

By default docker container does not persist data however there are ways available to us to bypass that limitation. In this post, I will explain the basic way to persist data within SQL Server containers. Volumes(-v, –volumes) and Mount (–mount) will allow us to persist data within a docker container however Docker volumes are theContinue reading “Persist SQL Server Container Data-Part1”

SQL Server container does not persist data

In this post, I will demonstrate how by default docker container packages did not design to persist data when using SQL Server data Docker Container packages. Be default data will never persist when using SQL Server docker containers. For instance all data, and customized SQL Server configuration setting will be lost when issued docker stopContinue reading “SQL Server container does not persist data”

Intro To SQL Server Containers

This article is a basic introduction to SQL Server Docker Container. I will define and demo how to deploy SQL Server docker containers locally and also provide link to configure it on windows server environments. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how easy it is to start using SQL Server docker containers withinContinue reading “Intro To SQL Server Containers”

SQL Server Statistics Are Not Free

Statistics are vital for Query Performance however In this post, I want to show you how query performance changes when the automatic create or update statistics does occur during the query execution time. Remember, the optimizer in SQL Server is driven by statistical analysis of query behavior and by default, SQL Server maintain create andContinue reading “SQL Server Statistics Are Not Free”

Troubleshooting SQL Server Statistics

Statistics contain statistical information about the distribution of values in one or more columns. SQL Server Query Optimizer uses statistics to create an optimized and cost-effective execution plan that improve query performance. statistics help SQL server to estimate the number of rows (also known as cardinality).By default, SQL Server maintain create and update statistics automaticallyContinue reading “Troubleshooting SQL Server Statistics”